The Popular Saints in Lisbon
Street parties are back in Lisbon and their highlight is the Marchas Populares, concerts, weddings in Santo António and festivities, which take place throughout the city and where there is no shortage of music and good mood.
After two years of interregnum, due to the pandemic, Lisbon celebrates popular festivals again. June is once again the month of the Popular Saints in the city, which from the 28th of May to the 30th of June is filled with grilled sardines, festivals, concerts and dances.
The Festas de Lisboa are dedicated to Saint Anthony, considered a miracle worker and a great intellectual of the Church, who, according to history, was born near the Cathedral of Lisbon and died on June 13, 1231. It is on this day that, every year, the procession of Saint Anthony takes place, which leaves the Church, next to the Cathedral, and travels through the neighborhoods of Castelo Hill, in Alfama. The parade is joined by many faithful, who are part of the procession and watch its passage. The day before the celebration of Saint Anthony’s day, Saint Anthony’s weddings have been celebrated since 1958, with the aim of enabling the marriage of couples with greater financial difficulties. This year, the tradition continues and on June 12th, 16 Lisbon couples will tie the knot again in religious and civil ceremonies.
The Popular Marches are another of the most awaited moments by all. The initiative traditionally takes place on June 12 with a parade along Avenida da Liberdade towards Rossio. It is at this moment that the more than 20 neighborhoods show their choreography, song and costume, inspired by their characteristics and traditions. Then, each neighborhood is evaluated by a jury, which takes into account several categories: best choreography, best scenography, best outfit, best lyrics and musicality, best composition and best parade.. In addition to the music of each neighborhood, which accompanies the march, every year there is a contest that chooses a new song, which must be sung by all marchers.

Igreja de Santo António
ChiadoSegundo reza a história, é no exato local onde nasceu Santo António que se ergue a Igreja de Santo António de Lisboa, localizada na freguesia de Santa Maria Maior. Desde o século XV que existia uma capela em dedicação ao santo, destruída pelo Terramoto de 1755, e da qual só restou a capela-mor. A reedificação da igreja, que decorreu entre 1767 e 1812, teve em Mateus Vicente de Oliveira o responsável do projecto. Em 1982, o templo foi visitado pelo Papa São João Paulo II.

“Revista é sempre revista” in Teatro Politeama