Popular Marches in Lisbon

The Popular Marches are one of the oldest traditions in Lisbon.The Popular Marches are one of the oldest traditions in Lisbon. Depois de dois anos sem desfile, as Marchas regressam para alegrar a cidade ao som de “Amália é Lisboa”, numa homenagem à Diva do Fado.

The Popular Marches of Lisbon are back in the city, after a two-year break, due to the Covid-19 pandemic. The event, which became popular in the 30s of the 20th century, shows the singularities and characteristics of Lisbon’s neighborhoods with a parade along Avenida da Liberdade full of music, color and tradition.

© José Frade


Sabia que… The Popular Marches contest began in 1932, arising from the original creation of José Leitão de Barros, director at the time of Notícias Ilustrado, for a show at Parque Mayer? The idea, inspired by the Santos Populares parties, consisted of a contest with folkloric bands from the capital’s neighborhoods. It was on the eve of Saint Anthony’s Day that the three participating groups, from the neighborhoods of Campo de Ourique, Bairro Alto and Alto da Pina, performed at the Capitólio cinema. The huge success of the first editions led to the integration of the marches in the 1934 City Festivals, in which 12 Lisbon neighborhoods already participated. It was only in 1952 that the marchers began to walk down Avenida da Liberdade.

© José Frade

It was only in 1952 that the marchers began to walk down Avenida da Liberdade. Every year, the capital receives a group from another region of the country, which leads the parade. In 2022, Avenida will host, for the first time, the Marcha Infantil das Escolas de Lisboa, which joins the party. This initiative arises with the aim of passing the testimony of veteran marchers to those who are still starting. In addition to the music of each neighborhood, which accompanies the march, every year there is a contest that chooses a new song, which must be sung by all marchers. The competition is organized by the Empresa de Gestão de Equipamentos e Animação Cultural (EGEAC), with the aim of selecting a composition, in terms of music and lyrics, that best characterizes the city of Lisbon.

Saiba mais sobre a programação das Marchas de Lisboa

Praça da Alegria, Lisboa, Portugal

Passeio da Fama


No coração da Avenida da Liberdade, a escassos metros das principais salas de espetáculo da cidade, encontramos talentos imortalizados naquele que é primeiro passeio da fama em Portugal. A tradicional calçada portuguesa em volta da Praça da Alegria tem gravados nomes de personalidade ligadas às artes do palco, como Beatriz Costa, Filipe la Feria, Vasco Santana, Nicolau Breyner, Maria Rueff ou José Raposo.

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