Restaurante Varanda de Lisboa
Restaurantes / Martim Moniz, Intendente e Mouraria
The emblematic Panoramic Restaurant Varanda de Lisboa offers you one of the best views over the heart of Lisbon and a unique gastronomic experience, where we highlight the best dishes of the traditional Portuguese cuisine. With a menu signed by Chef Vitor Sobral, the restaurant at the Hotel Mundial also has a suggestion menu of the day which is a true tribute to Portuguese gastronomy.
Praça Martim Moniz, 2
1100-341 Lisboa


Martim Moniz, Intendente and Mouraria
Although it is an area that has been undergoing profound urban renewal over the last few years, it remains true to its essence. From Martim Moniz Square to Intendente Square and the whole Mouraria neighborhood, the changes are apparent in the revitalisation of the public space and in the quality of the offered services, with the appearance of new leisure areas, shops and establishments of all kinds.