Madalena by The Beautique Hotels
Hotelaria / Baixa
At each hotel, a style of receiving the best of Lisbon! More than just a collection of hotels, The Beautique Hotels group is a book of unique, original and unrepeatable stories, where the boutique concept merges with the idea of pure beauty, all signed by Nini de Andrade e Silva, an award-winning Portuguese interior designer. The hotels are located in the city centre of Lisbon.
Rua da Madalena, 271
1100-320 Lisboa Lisboa
24 horas/dia

Traditional and majestic, Lisbon's Baixa (downtown, also known as Baixa Pombalina) is a must-see for those who want to discover an area that is constantly evolving but has managed to keep the charm of the past. Wander through its symmetrical and majestic streets made with a ruler and square, succumb to the delights of its imposing squares, always with the river on the horizon and a story on every corner.