Biblioteca São Lázaro

Bibliotecas / Arroios

  • ©Câmara Municipal de Lisboa
  • ©Câmara Municipal de Lisboa

Created in 1883, the São Lázaro Library is the oldest municipal library in Lisbon. Its building bears traces of the erudite neoclassical architecture of the late 19th century and is of unquestionable historical and heritage value. Its true ex-libris is the Salão Nobre (Main Hall), where the mezzanine and the furniture of the time are highlighted. The library has more than 20 thousand documents in different formats for consultation and loan, namely children's books, literature, technical manuals, magazines, newspapers, CDs and DVDs. Access to its services is completely free.

  • Rua do Saco, n.º 1
    1169-107 Lisboa
  • Monday to Saturday from 11:00 am to 1:00 pm and from 2:00 pm to 7:00 pm



    A neighbourhood that embraces multiculturalism.