Restaurantes / Príncipe Real
TAPAS PETISCOS VERMUTES Se por um lado a união faz a força, no Tapisco a partilha faz a mesa. É através deste conceito que o Chef Henrique Sá Pessoa lança o convite para apreciar tapas e petiscos dos dois lados da fronteira com produtos que faziam falta à cidade de Lisboa.
Rua D. Pedro V, 81
1250-093 Lisboa Lisboa
From Monday to Friday from 12:00 to 16:00 and from 19:00 to 24:00 Weekends from 12:00 to 24:00

Príncipe Real
An "alternative" neighbourhood, with a lot of charisma and attitude. And also with a lot of style. A very own style that has been assuming itself as innovative concepts, fashion studios and concept stores have established themselves in this area with typical street areas, but often concentrated in palatial buildings with features and services characteristic of a shopping gallery. This is the case of Embaixada Portuguese Gallery Shopping, which brings together a new generation of Portuguese entrepreneurs with a differentiating offer and great focus on national production.