Mesa de Frades
Restaurants / Alfama, Castelo e Graça
In a corner of Rua dos Remédios, behind the green doors, in an old Chapel of Palácio D. Rosa, covered with 18th century tiles, we find a Fado house where “the proximity between fado singer and listener is absolute and informality is law” .
The old chapel, with a cozy atmosphere, is now the usual stage for several young fadistas and the ideal place to listen and participate in Fado vadio shows.
Rua dos Remédios, 139A
1100-304 Lisboa

Alfama, Castelo e Graça
Alfama, Castelo and Graça. Three neighborhoods that carry the tradition of one of the most typical, picturesque and iconic areas of Lisbon and where the revitalisation of recent years has kept intact its genuine soul and its inhabitants while giving them new life.